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Video: Massive Controlled Avalanche at Stevens Pass

Stevens Pass controlled avalanche

We’re quite familiar with the danger of back-country skiing and snowboarding, and — like most snow-sports enthusiasts — we’ve witnessed the stories, the photos,  and the videos of the incredible destruction that’s possible when conditions align and massive avalanches occur.

Stevens Pass, located in the Pacific Northwest, received more than 10 feet of snow in 10 days, making conditions ripe for serious avalanches. On Feb. 26, ski patrol took to the skies to mitigate the danger and carry out their avalanche control work above the backside of Stevens Pass.

They took a camera along, and the unbelievable video below documents a massive, patrol-triggered slide in all its terrible glory.

We first saw this video from our friends at OpenSnow, and they offer highly specific snow reporting as well as periodic insights into avalanche danger in the regions they cover. Check out them out, and stay safe out there!

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